Sunday, June 21, 2020

Happy Father's Day!

Shavuah tov family and friends,
To all the wonderful fathers in the world and around us :
We love, we appreciate you, we see you, and we admire your strength/wisdom/leadership&covering!
Thank you for being the protectors that you are!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Steps to Intercession Part 4

Shalom all and thank you for taking the time to read 🌟

I have formulated 16 steps to Intercession, with the help of Baruah Elohim to help those who are new to Intercession (or prayer as a whole).

This week we will be discussing step 13-16, you are welcome to comment your questions or email us at:
For your prayer petitions you can e-mail us at:

I have taken this prayer template from the book of Matthew 6:9-13

Ask for forgiveness on anything/everything that you have done that the enemy may want to use in order to hinder your prayer.
Matthew 6:12;1 John 1:9
E.g.Abba I ask that You have mercy on me for all the sins I have committed consciously and in my subconscious. Forgive any sin committed by my forefathers and in my lineage that the devil may want to use as an access door in order to delay the physical manifestation of the answer to my prayer in the name of Yeshua.

Thank Him for answering your prayer.
Isaiah 58:9;Matthew 11:25
E.g.Adonai I thank You for answering my prayer for it is written (Matthew 7:7) that if I ask You will give me that which I've asked for. I have faith that it is done for it is written that You are not a man that You should lie nor a son of man that You should repent from Your word.

Ask that the archangel Michael accompany angel Gabriel.
Daniel 10:12-13
E.g.Elohim I ask that the archangel Michael accompany angel Gabriel who is holding the physical manifestation of my prayer so that no principalities in my area/familiar spirits in my bloodline will be able to hold him captive in the name of Yeshua.

Seal your prayer with the blood of the Lamb (Yeshua).
Revelation 12:11;Ephesians 1:7
E.g.I seal this prayer with the blood of the Lamb in the name of Yeshua I pray amein!

Ipray  and hope that the above will bless you with a bit more knowledge on prayer in this serie, until next next series: Have a blessed one!


I'd like to testify today! For the past 2 weeks or so I have been bedridden with high fever, migraines and coughs... Couldn't sleep ...